Welcome to the LMK community. These Guidelines and our Terms of Service are designed to ensure every user has a safe and enjoyable experience on LMK. If you violate any of these policies, you might be banned from LMK. We encourage you to report any behavior that violates our policies.
1. Respect All Users
LMK is made up of users with diverse backgrounds, interests, and beliefs. Please be respectful to all other users and help us build a fun and safe environment.
2. Copyright and Trademark Infringement
We take copyrights and trademarks very seriously. Please don’t post photos or videos you don’t own unless you are allowed to do so.
3. Illegal Use
Illegal activity will not be tolerated on LMK. This may result in being banned from our app and/or website.
4. Social Media Handles
For your safety, do not share your handles (Snapchat, Instagram, etc.) in public areas such as your bio, community feed, and within feed comments.
5. Nudity/Sexual Content
We do not tolerate any sexually explicit content. This includes content in the form of text, photo, and video. Please do not post/upload sexually explicit content within Swipe, Feed, Bio, and everywhere else.
6. Harassment
Do not engage, or encourage others to engage, in any targeted abuse or harassment against any other user. This includes sending any unsolicited sexual content to your matches. Reports of stalking, threats, bullying, or intimidation, are taken very seriously and may be reported to law enforcement.
7. Violence and Physical Harm
We do not tolerate violent, graphic, or gory content on LMK, or any actions or content that advocate for or threaten violence of any sort, including threatening or promoting terrorism. Physical assault, coercion, and any acts of violence are strictly prohibited. Content that advocates for or glorifies suicide or self-harm is also not allowed.
8. Hate Speech
Any content that promotes, advocates for, or condones racism, bigotry, hatred, or violence against individuals or groups based on factors like (but not limited to) race, ethnicity, religious affiliation, disability, gender, age, national origin, sexual orientation, or gender identity is not allowed.
9. Spam
Don’t use LMK to spam other users and please do not drive people to external websites via a link or any other method.
10. Solicitation or Promotion
Soliciting other users is strictly prohibited. The purpose of LMK is to make new friends. It is not to promote your business, event, non-profit, political campaign, etc.
11. Prostitution and Trafficking
Promoting or advocating for commercial sexual services, human trafficking or other non-consensual sexual acts is strictly prohibited and will result in your account being banned from LMK.
12. Scamming
LMK has a zero-tolerance policy on predatory behavior of any kind. Anyone attempting to get other users’ private information for fraudulent or illegal activity will be banned. Any user caught sharing their own financial account information (PayPal, Venmo, etc.) for the purpose of receiving money from other users may also be banned from LMK.
13. Be Yourself
Pretending to be someone else is strictly prohibited on LMK. Please do not impersonate any person or entity.
14. No Parody Accounts
While you might not have any ill intent, we do not allow any parody accounts on LMK.
15. Age Guidelines
If you are under age 17, you are not permitted to use the LMK app.
If you are a legal representative of a user on LMK and want to contact us, you may do so here.
16. Give Accurate Gender and Age
Do not falsify your gender or age. Please make sure to enter your correct/age as you will not be able to change these later.
17. Private Information
Don’t publicly broadcast any private information, yours or anyone else’s. This includes social security numbers, passport, passwords, financial information, phone numbers, email addresses, and home/work addresses.
18. One Account Per Person
Please do not maintain multiple LMK accounts.
19. Photo Guidelines
- No pictures in bikinis/swimwear indoors
- No pictures in underwear or pictures that are shirtless
- Face must be clearly visible in all photos used in our Swipe feature; this rule does not apply to images posted on our community Feed.
- No pornographic material
- No gory, graphic, or violent photos
- No promoting any drugs
- No promotion or solicitation
- No personal contact information in photos.
- No bullying, harassment, hate speech, and racism
- No self-injury and suicide
20. Video Guidelines
- No videos in bikinis/swimwear indoors
- No videos in underwear or videos that are shirtless
- No pornographic material
- No gory, graphic, or violent videos
- No promoting any drugs
- No promotion or solicitation
- No personal contact information in videos.
- No bullying, harassment, hate speech, and racism
- No self-injury and suicide